mini class for moms

Face Your Feelings

Your guide to navigating all the emotions that come along with raising a daughter through the tween years: what to expect, when to seek help, what to teach her about feelings, and what you can say to help.

sign me up!

If you're looking for:

less overwhelm 

Once you know what to expect and how to help your daughter face her feelings, you'll have so much more peace.


Moms often feel helpless when it comes to navigating tween emotions. Gaining the right tools is everything.


Isn't this the ultimate goal in parenting? Having a strong connection to our daughters is everything. As you do this feelings work together, you'll see this grow even stronger. 

Great News.
I can help with that.

Here's why! I've been researching self-esteem and mental health for years and applying what I've learned with my own children and the hundreds of girls that have come to our local confidence classes. After seeing the impact, I want you to have all my best tools without having to spend years figuring it out.

All we've got to do is get started.

Join me for this journey! Here's how we get there...

1. What to Expect: Learn all about what's normal emotionally during these developmental years. 

2. When to Seek Help: Recognize the signs that outside professional resources may be helpful.

3. What We Teach the Girls: See how we teach these concepts to the girls in our local workshops!

4. What You Can Do: Know what to say to best help your daughter through her big emotions while building her self-esteem at the same time. 

shaylen nansel
moms + girls class attendee

"I really loved the class. Thanks for all you do, it is such important work, and it really does take a village, so I super appreciate you!" 

sherrine hayward
mom of girls class attendee

"All of your resources are wonderful, so applicable and easy to understand. I love it all! I love that my daughter grasps these concepts because of the tools that you have used."

What you'll get:

video lesson

Watch a short, yet impactful class. This format is convenient for you to work into your schedule.


You will have a chance to reflect on your own calming strategies and choose your top 3 to model for your daughter.

facebook community

Join us to share our questions, successes, and struggles. This journey is so much better together!

You've got this.

Here's the thing. You're already a good enough mom. And your daughter is already good enough too. If you feel like you could use some help with how to guide her through her emotions and keep your connection strong, I've got you. 

get access now for just $37
(the same price as some takeout for your fam)

I'm ready!

If you're wondering...

Is this still valuable if my daughter isn't struggling?  100%. Mental health is just as important as physical health so it's good to be proactive in strengthening it!

What ages is this for? While many of the examples center around tween/teen ages, the parenting skills will help kids at any age.

What about my boys? The tools you will learn will be able to help the boys in your life too!

How long do I have access? Lifetime! 

sound good?

Then Let's Do This.

I can't wait for you to join us and experience the difference it makes in your life and your daughter's. 

I'm in!