the moms class

Self-Esteem School

Help your daughter see that she is exactly who she's meant to be in 5 simple steps. After just 5 weeks together, you'll be confident you have the tools to build her self-esteem, which will help her in EVERY other area of her life. 

sign me up!

You have more influence than you realize. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

I'm passionate about helping girls recognize their incredible worth, sharing the life-changing tools I've learned about emotional resilience, and now I'm so excited to be able to show you how you can build your daughter's self-esteem. I'm convinced this is some of the most important work we can do as moms. 


If you're looking for:


This parenting journey is not easy. Especially when your heart breaks to see your daughter struggle with loving herself. The best news is it's still possible to find peace along the way. 


Moms often feel helpless when it comes to knowing how to help their daughters. Gaining the tools you need is everything.


Isn't this the ultimate goal in parenting? Having a strong connection to our daughters is everything. As you work to build her self-esteem, you'll see this grow even stronger. 

Great News.
I can help with that.

Here's why! I've been researching self-esteem for years and applying what I've learned with my own children and the hundreds of girls that have come to our local confidence classes. After seeing the impact, I want you to have all my best tools without having to spend years figuring it out.

All we've got to do is get started.

Join me for this journey! Here's how we get there...

1. Believe in Your Power: See why you are the most qualified person for this work.

2. Unlock the Magic of Your Thoughts: Learn and apply the life-changing Thought Model.

3. Love Her: Make sure she FEELS loved in just 5 minutes a day.

4. Know Her: Create your heroine's story map she needs for her journey.

5. Guide Her: Discover how to step back and empower her even more.

shaylen nansel
moms + girls class attendee

"I really loved the class. Thanks for all you do, it is such important work, and it really does take a village, so I super appreciate you!" 

sherrine hayward
mom of girls class attendee

"All of your resources are wonderful, so applicable and easy to understand. I love it all! I love that my daughter grasps these concepts because of the tools that you have used."

What you'll get each week:

audio lessons

Listen to a short, yet impactful lesson each Tuesday. This format is convenient for you to work into your schedule.


Start working on the meaningful assignments to apply your learning.

video connection calls

Join us each Thursday to review the lesson and share our questions, successes, and struggles.

You've got this.

Here's the thing. You're already a good enough mom. And your daughter is already good enough too. If you feel like being just a little more intentional with giving her the best foundation you can, I've got you. 

join now at the introductory price of $197 (regular tuition $247)

I'm ready!

There's even more...

private facebook group

I'm such a believer in connection, community, and accountability, so you'll get to be a part of this group to get those benefits along the way.

parent guides

Get the incredibly valuable guides for the eight lessons we teach in our local girls classes to help your daughters at home! These are 1-2 pages each of the lesson's main points + resources.

bonus anxiety lesson

If your child struggles with anxiety, that can make things extra tricky for both of you. I've become quite an expert in helping my daughter navigate this and I'll share it all with you. 

If you're wondering...

Is this still valuable if my daughter isn't struggling?  100%. Research shows girls' self-esteem drop by 30% from ages 8-14 so it's good to be prepared!

What ages is this for? While many of the examples center around tween/teen ages, the parenting skills will help kids at any age.

What about my boys? The tools you will learn will be able to help the boys in your life too!

How long do I have access? Lifetime! Plus, you'll get to join in again and again with us each time it goes live. 

Is there a payment plan? Yes! See below for the monthly payment option. I know it can be hard to invest in yourself, and I promise it will be worth it.

sound good?

Then Let's Do This.

I can't wait for you to join us and experience the difference it makes in your life and your daughter's. You can look forward to connection, growth, and fun all along the way! Doors close Thursday, August 31st!

I'm in for 1 payment of $197

i'm in for 3 payments of $67